An Outlet for My Mind

Just my waffling really, you'll either think I'm weird (nod and smile), or relate in a strange 'hmm, I believe we have met' way. Ah well, I guess it's a case of the lesser of two evils. Happy reading!

I don't know about the other voices in my head, but personally I'm feeling
The current mood of at
Monday, March 07, 2005
My darlings, I feel fabulous. Winter is finally over, and the rains are here!

I feel as though winter has lasted for a very long time this year. It started around the end of September and it's been grim ever since. I bear the scars, my dears, I bear the scars. But after that fit of snow that dragged on for two weeks, I think all it needed was for someone to build a snowman and the seasons could feel some kind of Christmassy closure.

Our snowman, by the way, was called Archimedes. Someone stole his head, so we upped his body and reconstructed him as a her around the back of the 6th form block. She was called Pearl.

But I can't understand why I'm in such a good mood - Ofsted are doing our school and were in two of my lessons today, my bus was diverted so I missed the first one, then the one I caught broke down on the way home and I had to walk through the rain, and I have loads of homework due, but I'm happy! I can't remember the last time I felt this good! I love it!
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