An Outlet for My Mind

Just my waffling really, you'll either think I'm weird (nod and smile), or relate in a strange 'hmm, I believe we have met' way. Ah well, I guess it's a case of the lesser of two evils. Happy reading!

I don't know about the other voices in my head, but personally I'm feeling
The current mood of at
Friday, November 22, 2002
Yes, it's true. I thought it would never happen, but it has this last week. I am totally, utterly, completely addicted to Super Noodles. I'm currently eating beef flavour, and they're lovely.

Sometimes I walk from my school to the bus stop at Halfords, which takes about 25 minutes at my Friday afternoon speed. The route I walk takes me past a few office buildings, the kind with the shrubbery (Nih!) at the side, and it is this clump of bushes that my post concerns.

Today, walking slowly under the train bridge and approaching the start of the bushes, I peered ahead to see if there was anything interesting there. To my disappointment there was only a shredded porn magazine and a 'Men at Work' sign. On another occasion I was walking past and spied a microwave, there has been a shop sign (as in from above the shop) that I think was Londis, and a selection of T-shirts.

But the most worrying was when I walked by and a black lacy bra was strewn negligently across a privet. What do they get up to at these offices? I think it's a JP Morgan office at the moment, I thought they did credit cards!

So yeah, only a little one today. Compared to my usual, at least. Too tired. Night night.
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